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To streamline traffic, parking payment should be made at the beginning according to the road signs, respectively the information of additional panels.

You can opt for a 1-day subscription at the same rate as on the fast payment terminals.


  • CARD payment from anywhere

  • parking expiration notification

  • instant invoice by email


The field check is performed electronically according to the registration number and it is not necessary to display on the board a proof of payment

Online Shopping




  • driver can use the subscription according to the invoice specification (period, area, registration number)

  • payment of the invoice is made on time with PO or cash / card later at the cashier according to the payment term

  • the monthly parking subscription (Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2) does not offer a reserved parking space and is valid anywhere in the charging area



In vederea eliberarii abonamentelor de parcare solicitate, documentele se vor prezenta in original sau copie simpla, acestea trebuie sa fie in termen de valabilitate, sa nu prezinte stersaturi, radieri, corecturi si orice alte modificari, mentiuni sau adaugiri deoarece nu pot fi luate in considerare decat daca au fost constatate sub semnatura de cel competent sa il intocmeasca sau de partea de la care emana inscrisul, dupa caz, conform prevederilor legale

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